Saturday, 12 May 2012

Rainbow Pancakes.

Hey guys!
I've been ill during 3 days which has been really boring because I haven't been able to do anything.

Today I got a creative idea.
Since I'm obsessed with rainbows I decided I'd try out to make some RAINBOW pancakes.

 First I made a plain pancake batter and poured it into 6 different cups since I was planning to use 6 different colors.
 I'm using this Wilton food coloring kit.
You only need a very small amount of food color in each cup since it's so rich in color.
Use a tool for each cup to mix the color properly.
These are the colors I decided to go for,
but remember, you can use any colors!
You decide!

I'm using this frying pan to fry my pancakes.
It's very small and cute and easy to use.


 This is very easy and fun to make!

Hope you enjoyed this post and will try it out!



Anonymous said...

Looks so yummi!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures again :)

Anonymous said...

Where did you buy the vibrant food colouring?

That Girl Standing Over There. said...

Det där måste du och jag göra någon gång! (: Har försökt smsa dig men du svarar ej.. Hoppas du mår bättre! <3<3

lollipop sugar said...

hej gossi gossi gossiga bjorn!!
skit niciga foton jag blev jette sugen po sadana nu!!...<33333 loter som att du haft det kul idag!

Amber said...

I liked them when I first saw them on i am mommy.

ingrid said...

fina fotton <3 <3 <3
dom ser goda ut! :)

Laura said...

very nice! I love it!


Anonymous said...

Fel ordning på färgerna för att vara en regnbåge, va?